Premium+ offers

The Premium+ offers provide you with all the benefits of Mailo Premium with even more capacity. Imate en sam prostor za shranjevanje, ki si ga delite med vašo pošto in navideznim diskom glede na vaše potrebe.

OfferMail&Cloud zmogljivostMesečna cena
Premium+ 50G ponudba50 GB2 €
Premium+ 100G ponudba100 GB3 €
Premium+ 250G ponudba250 GB5 €
Premium+ 500G ponudba500 GB10 €

These offers can be activated for 1 to 5 years.

At any time and at no cost, you can change your offer and switch between the Premium offer and any of the Premium+ offers. Datum veljavnosti se nato samodejno ponovno izračuna.